Youth Boxing

The Youth Boxing program takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM. It is designed for 6th to 12th Grade males. Anyone from any background is welcome. This is a free program. To help with our cost we ask that parents buy snacks once in a while and water.

Cost: Free *ages 18 and under

Parkinson's Boxing

This is a non-contact, goal-oriented boxing program for people with Parkinson’s disease. The program is free for participants. Donations are appreciated to keep the facility open. For more info contact Gene Garrisn 314-954-4284.

Cost: Free

Adult Boxing/MMA

Adult Boxing and MMA takes place on Monday and Wednesday from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. This class is primary geared towards adults over 18 and generally consist of Boxing/Kickboxing training. This program is for women and men.

Cost: $80 / month

Universal Martial Arts

American Freestyle Bujitsu, an integrated martial arts system focused on reality- based self-defense at its core. Taught by Michael Hester.

Cost: $60 / Month

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Personal Training

The scheduling, price, and the facet of training are determined on a case by case basis. Feel free to contact us if you are interested. For more info contact Demont Johnson 919-699-6514.

Cost: N/A